30.1.2025 16.30-19.00

Location: Biomedicum 1, Seminar room 3, Helsinki/ Teams-link

Blood Disease Research Foundation organizes 30.1 2025 in Biomedicum, Helsinki ”Bloody Seminar”-meeting where Finnish research presented in ASH is highlighted

Register by 26.1.25 



Coffee and exhibition (sponsors Novartis and Beigene)


Welcome, Chair of the Foundation’s Board, Prof. Riitta Lassila


ASH Presentations

Hanna Duàn
Genomic Subtypes of AML Define Sensitivity to NK Cell Cytotoxicity

Jonas Bouhlal
Comprehensive Drug Profiling and CRISPR Screening Reveal Essential Pathways for NK Cell Cytotoxicity

Riitta Lassila
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Benefited Outpatients with High Risk of Venous Thromboembolism Early in COVID-19 Pandemics

Miro Nylén
Clonal Hematopoiesis Mutations and Cell-Free DNA Characteristics in Patients with High-Risk Large B-Cell Lymphomas

Joseph Saad
Predictors of Response and Rational Combinations for the Novel MCL-1 Inhibitor MIK665 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Henri Sundquist
Integrating Computational Cytomorphological Analysis of Bone Marrow Smears and Clinical Data for Predicting Response to Venetoclax and Hypomethylating Agents in AML

Ankita Srivastava
Deciphering Variability in Light Chain Amyloidosis and Amyloidosis with Co-Occurring Multiple Myeloma by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing

Hannu Mönkkönen
The Best from ASH – by Novartis


Closing remarks


Blood Disease Research Foundation supports no travel or accommodation. Sponsors of the meeting are Novartis and Beigene.



Veritautien Tutkimussäätiön missio on tukea hematologista tutkimusta mm. myöntämällä henkilökohtaisia apurahoja ja tukemalla osallistumista kansainvälisiin kokouksiin tutkimustulosten esittämiseksi sekä järjestää korkealuokkaisia koulutustilaisuuksia